Year of establishment: 11 October 2006.
Present faculty in-charge, -
A day care centre away from home which is truly child oriented, child centred and child conscious where the child fulfils his/her cosmic task to develop himself into a human being in accordance with his true nature.
To provide an environment which is created consciously, lovingly, deliberately, intentionally and scientifically to help a child develop physically, socially emotionally and intelligently.
To provide best possible homely care to the children of working parents/scholars/students in pursuing their job and /or academic career.
• Rooms: One hall and an office along with some extra space for utility. Electric power back up, AC, coolers, fans, etc., are available.
• Room Amenities including Paintings, charts or maps: Colourful displays, charts, Palnas for infants, toys, maps, models etc.
Day Care Centre
• Kitchen: One well equipped kitchen with all modern essential amenities, viz., LPG Gas-stove, aqua guard, refrigerator, microwave oven, etc.
• Facilities for Learning, Modeling and Toys: Centre is very well equipped with all the basic things required to fulfil the needs of the growing children. Staff is highly dedicated and supportive in providing assistance to the children towards learning, developing, creating
• Models of arts and crafts based creatures, fun with toys, drawing, painting, poem reciting, etc.
• Outdoor play garden size: Approx 1200 sq. ft.
• Fixtures in the outdoor play: Slides, mary-go-round, swing.
Child Information Records
We keep current records of child and family information for each child enrolled in the centre which includes:
- Each child's name, home address and birth date.
- Name, address and telephone number of each child's parents or guardian.
- Records of any medical, physical, developmental or emotionalconditions relevant to the care of the child.
Records are updated as needed. It is in practice that they be updated at least once in a year. When a designated person picks up a child, centres are advised to verify each occurrence with the parent to ensure the individual is authorised to pick up the child on that day.
Write up of Children:
Care-providers Ratio: Children need adult attention to thrive. It implies that fewer children per adult means each child is more likely to have the opportunity to gain one on one attention. The child to care-provider ratio influences the quality care that children receive. Lower child to care-taker ratio is especially important for infants and children below age three-years.
For children below three-years 3:1
For children above three-years: 5:1
Write up on Relationship: The relationship between care provider staff and child may be the most important characteristic of high quality care. Caregivers must spend time with the children in their care. They should talk to the children in ways that are informative, responsive and accepting. Such caretakers bend down to address children face to face, seem genuinely concerned and interested, and listen carefully to what children have to say. The working staff at the centre is highly dedicated and provides maximum possible attention to the children.
Record of Working Hours: Centre opens before the official working time and closes after the Routine working hours, so that parents have an opportunity to access the centre facility without difficulty in their daily academic/working schedule. It opens at 9.30 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m. Working days during the year
Centre opens on all official working days except holidays. Feedback Records:
We take feedback in every six-month from the parents, whose children are staying in the centre. Their feedback is analysed on the basis of a four-point scale set for ten criterion. It is revealed from their feedback reports that they are extremely happy and satisfied with the facilities and support provided to them by the centre. Parents consider this place as a gift to them and as a dream home vis-a-vis an ideal place for their kids. Every day they go to their work places with a sense of safety and peace in mind believing that their child is in safe hands and happy environment. Relationship with children parents and care-provider :
We believe that parents and caregivers play an important role in supporting children’s healthy development. Development of a child starts with infancy and continues to adulthood. The early years of life present a unique opportunity to lay the foundation for healthy development. It is a time of maximum growth and of vulnerability and is divided into three key areas. These include physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. Activities and experiences in early childhood (up to 6 years) play a major role in child development. Physical development: Refers to physical body changes. It occurs in a relatively stable, predictable sequence. It is orderly, not random.
• Gross motor skills: Children develop their large movement skills, control, coordination and strength as they explore physical play such as running, climbing, balancing, jumping, hopping, skipping, kicking, throwing and catching. Physical play helps children to become confident in their movement skills, and to develop hand-eye and foot-eye coordination.
• Fine motor skills: Activities involving small, precise thumb, finger, hand and wrist movements that require hand-eye coordinationdevelop fine motor skills such as prehensile and pincer movements. Writing is an outcome of developed fine motor skills.
• Social-emotional development: Learning to relate to others is social development. Emotional development, on the other hand, involves feelings and expression of feelings. Trust, fear, confidence, pride, friendship, and humour are all part of social-emotional development.
• Cognitive development: Oftencalled intellectual development includes Language, thought, reasoning, and imagination. Identification, differentiation, sorting, pairing are examples of cognitive tasks. Language and thought are also result of cognitive development. These two skills are closely related. Both are needed for planning, remembering, and problem solving. As children mature and gain experience with their world, these skills develop.
• Physical, social: Emotional and cognitive all three areas of development are linked to one another. Development in one area can strongly influence another area. For instance writing requires cognitive as well as fine motor skills. Language, part of cognitive development, is needed to communicate with others. It is also necessary for growing socially and emotionally "We believe that parents and caregivers play an important role in supporting children’s healthy development". Our approach, is that children have rights and should be given opportunities to develop their potential. Children are believed “knowledge bearers”, so they are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas about everything they could meet or do during the day. Methodology.
Children must have some control over the direction of their learning.
• Children must be able to learn through experiences of touching, moving, listening, seeing, and hearing;
• Children must have a relationship with each other and with material items that he/she must be allowed to explore, and
• Children must have endless ways and opportunities to express themselves.