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Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya
Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh NAAC Accredited “A” Grade University

Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology

Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology

Year of the Establishment:  1961

Head of the Department   :   

Contact No.:                       

ourse Details


Admission Mode
/ Merit)
Course   *Eligibility Subject *Fee (Regular) Seat (Total)
Sem/Annual Syatem CBCS/
Duration Total Year / Sem
Merit M.A.    UG AIHCA


30 Semester CBCS Two Year/ Four Sem

Research Degree

Admission Mode Name of the Course Eligibility Seats Fee
Doctoral Entrance Test (DET) Ph.D.- A.I.H.C. As per revised DET.Ordinance - -

*Fee and Eligibility may change time to time as per change in ordinance/rules of university/state government.

Information about the Department

General Information about the Department 


The Department was originally created in 1961 when Dr. Raj Bali Pandey was Professor & Head.

Departmental Units 

The Department has three functional Units Viz.

(1) The Teaching Unit.
(2) The Museum Unit and
(3) The Archaeological Excavation and exploration Unit.

(1) Post graduate-M.A. in Ancient Indian History, culture & Archaeology.
(2) Research - Ph.D., D.Litt.
Research and Academic Activities
        Ph.D. Awarded -52
        D.Litt-1 Awarded
        Ph.D. Registeindigo-10
        Research Fellow(J.R.F.)-02 Ph.D. Awarded
        I.C.H.R. Fellow-03
        Books published by Teaching Staff-15
        Kakrehta Excavation report Published -01
        Seminar Proceeding -02
        Research papers Published by staff Members 90
 (a) Department Conducted Archaeological Excavations at Kakrehta during 1983-84,1984-85  and 1985-86 leading to very important archaeological discoveries, throwing new light on the Pre and Protohistory of central India. The Report has been published  in book form.
(b) Patan Excavation Archaeological Excavations conducted at Patan during the year 1992 and 1994 for two  session, leading to very important discoveries.  Drafting of Report "Archaeological excavations at Patan" is in progress.
(c) Exploration  

Exploration conducted along the river Hiran in 1987.        Archaeological Explorations conducted during the year 1998 along the river Gour  ( a tributory of Narmada) district Jabalpur leading to very significant discoveries of different Prehistoric sites and tools and continued till 2005. Drafting of report of Archaeological         Exploration for river Gaur is in progress.
(i) Department hosted all India seminar on "Art of Kalachuries". The proceedings of seminar are published by the Department of Archaeology Govt. of M.P.
(ii) Department hosted the National workshop on "Shell Script" Proceedings of seminar are published in Book form.
(iii) Department hosted all India seminar on "Chandella Art" in the year 1998.
(iv) Department hosted all India seminar on "Art of Early Medieval" Art of Madhya Pradesh.
(v)  Department hosted all India Seminar on Archaeology of Jabalpur district in 2005.
(vi) Jainology, 2007
(vii) Importance of Heritage and Presentation, 2016
Visiting Professor 
Department invited reputed scholar Professor V.S.Pathak ex-Vice Chancellor of Gorakhpur University as visiting Professor. He produced a monograph entitled "Jabalpur The Origin and the significance of the name."Research Project Completed 
(a) Kalanjara. A profile of an early medieval fort.
(b) Interdisciplinary (Jointly with Physics Deptt.): Thermoluminescence dating of         Archaelogical object from M.P.(approved by M.P. council of science & Technology. Bhopal)
(c) Prachin Bharat me Jala Samasya.
Research Projects in Progress 
(a) Exploration of river Gaur is in progress.
(a) Archaeological Museum in the Department entitled "Pandit Ravi Shanker Museum" has established in 1976. The Museum is housed in a hall of the University Library building which is inadequate for its expanding activities.
(b) Photographic Dark Room
(c) Photographic Equipments
(d) Excavation and exploration Equipments.
(e) Teaching Aids
(f) Library facilities Available
(g) T.V. & V.C.R.
(h) Computer
Books worth 3,00,000 were purchased during VII & VIII,IX plan. Of these important reference
books & text books have been shifted to Department library.